That's so great glad to see you are still working on the game.
I really love it so much.
I hope for a new party member soon.
That's so great glad to see you are still working on the game.
I really love it so much.
I hope for a new party member soon.
I'm really happy to hear that! xD
While I don't have a lot of time to work on the project, I always try to make sure it's the best it can be, and update it slowly but steadily.
Chapter VI is already in development and, while the main story won't REALLY introduce another playable character, I'm considering the options for side content. There's gonna be a pretty long side quest line involving the beast people and one of their villages, so we might get at least another new temporary ally xD
Anyway, chapter VI should be out in a few weeks so I hope to see you there! (^^)/
@Tiagoxningenjanai Ah. I will be there of course. I was hoping for someone with a bow I love archers.
But I still love what you are doing so please don't give up and I am rooting for you.
Thanks a lot! <3
Yeah I plan on taking this project to the end no matter how long it takes, so worry not! ^^
And yeah I love bow characters too! At this point the only options we're missing are a physical ranged attacker, a divine magic user and a hand to hand fighter, so the odds of the extra characte turning out to be an archer are pretty high! xD
@Tiagoxningenjanai Yay! I'm excited to hear that.
I wonder what silly personally they will have? I hope for a real goofy one like last time.
Wellll, I already have a future character in mind for the side quests (who I may turn into the new party member), but this time I suppose we'll have to wait to find out! xD