@Tiagoxningenjanai Darn! (I just a hopeless romantic I guess Lol.)
I can tell and it's such a lovely story that so well done it's such shame this isn't not rated higher.
Oh! That'd be cool like side stories would be awesome!
I would love for Jeanne her family to how awesome she's become or MAO's mom side story would be cool too!
But whatever you decide I will be sure to play all of them.
Peace from your self-proclaimed number one fan.
Chapter 9 was very short but I liked how Cindy reacted to Jeanne who really didn't seem bothered being tied up. (I hope there's something there. That would be a fun ship.)
As for chapter chapter 10 was indeed a roller coaster which we find out Lianna's upbringing on expectations and the unenlightened thinking of her village.
Thankfully her Master understood her and offered to help out I felt sad for them but at least they found hope in one another.
Marnie was cool for understanding too I hope she became an adventurer cook and made her dad proud.
11 had a hard battle but even though the end was sad due to what happens I feel she won't give up.
But I loved this series so much I can't believe it's almost over!
As an ode to this I wanted to make a little funny.
Mao: Stuff really got more interesting when you got here.
Lianna: Mao... Jeanne... Wait where is Jeanne?
Mao: Dunno, said something delivering rope to Cindy?
Lianna: Rope?... No! Forget it! I don't want to know.
LMAO yeah that'd be a nice ship xD
I actually thought of making them a couple at some point, but thought having all 3 protagonists happen to be confirmed queer would be kinda lame, so I just left the hint in the air. *wink*
Also, I'm glad you're enjoying the story! I put a lot of work in it, hopefully it shows.
I still have plans for post game content, so I may update it again after the final release to tie up some loose ends. Maybe we can go back to Lianna's village and see how everyone is 3 years later. We could also go with Jeanne back to her home city and give some closure to her family business. And I'm also considering adding one last beast-people village to give another perspective to the whole conflict. That's all for next year tho, rn I have to work on chapter 12 and Huyuchi xD