This is it, folks! v0.8.1 is out and with it Huyuchi Village! If you have no idea what I'm talking about, I suggest you do both of Mappi Village's side quests available in the Adventurers' Guild. The last one is available after the end of chapter VII, btw.
I hope you have fun! (^^)/
Patch notes below:
- Added Huyuchi Village and its first main quest into the game
- Added a new playable character for Huyuchi's quest: Shida Khalin, the Spirit Archer
- Fixed the bug in which, in the kobold king rematch, using Cindy's Incense would make you win the fight
- Fixed the bug in which the cutscene didn't play properly if you tried fighting the kobold king again right after running away from it
- Fixed the bug in the cutscene after defeating the kobold king that didn't make Mao and Jeanne's NPC model disappear after the cutscene
- Made some changes to the stock of Eastwall's shops (in particular the magic shop, accessory shop and alchemist)
- Increased the minimum damage of many attacks
- Removed Jeanne's ability to equip light armor, which is now exclusive to Mao
- Nerfed the defense of magic robes as Lianna was tanking all magic attacks too easily (they grant you magic attack in return)
- Nerfed all the helmets, as the defense they gave along with shields and armor was just too much
- Nerfed the Sorcerer's Stone and Philospher's Ring
- Reduced the amount of turns the Silence status can last
- Buffed the damage of the Kobold Grenades
- Made some minor changes to existing content, as always
Overall progress: around 75%
Woooooo! Finally!