As always, sorry for the wait! Chapter VII is finally available for everyone!
I hope you have fun! ^^
Below are the patch notes:
- Added chapter VI and the areas visited in it
- Added the "debug window" in Lianna's bathroom in order to help players who lost their save file
- Fixed the bug in which, at the end of chapter VI, the game would be stuck at sunset
- Fixed the bug in which the inside of the ogre's cave could have the sunset/night tint
- Made minor changes to existing areas and dialogues
- Fixed a small mistake in Jeanne's breastplate illustration where her right arm was transparent
- Fixed a bug in which Cindy's Incense not didn't always work as intended (this item is so bugged I almost regret ever including it lol)
- Mao now starts the game with only one knife (which was slightly buffed), and fills up the empty weapon slot with the dagger found in the woods
- Jeanne is no longer able to equip magic armor (robes and bangles)
- Jeanne now starts with a short sword (the item was entirely useless before)
- Updated some item icons
- Changed magic armor equipments' stats so it gives more magical def than regular def.
- Halved the amount of MP recovered by magic potions
- Fixed a small mistake with Mao's sprite when fleeing from battle
- Changed some skills' description
Overall progress: around 50%
chalkdust por the small goblins
hiddenone for the (hob)goblins
PandaMaru for the tilesets
Avery for the skeleton sprites
Avery for the lich (originally death)
Avery for the animal sprites
Avery for the mimic
Avery for the warg sprites (originally wolf, but edited by me)
Kadokawa for the sheep
hiddenone for the ogre (originally orc)
whtdragon for the golems
whtdragon for the unicorn
whtdragon for the donkey
whtdragon for the horse